Herbs Speak online Course February 9th
The course will be held on the zoom platform February 9th at 10am mountain time This is our second offering of this course as the first one was extremely powerful! It will start with a group energetic healing, where I will lead you into your body, and depending on what the collective needs at that time, we will channel in the vibrational frequencies and light to shift the group into a higher healed, energetic state. This will allow us to all enter into a sacred cocoon of reception, which is a great magnetic vibration that makes the space more accessible to hear messages directly from the plant spirits. We will then connect with one of our herbs and I will guide you through the process of aligning with the frequency of that plant and then opening up your receptors; whether that be vision, hearing, smelling, feeling knowing, and then we will ask our questions to the plants and record our insights and answers. We will do this with three different herbs, which will start to unveil to you how you can pull any wisdom from divine intelligence through the spiritual embodiment of plants. When we tap into the plant’s frequencies we can receive their messages. Some messages come in the form of a healing, a vision, or a story. This type of Spiritual meditation practice brings us closer to God, the Divine Intelligence. While we may perceive that we are getting messages directly from the plants, we will be hearing Spirit’s words through the lens of each plant we connect to! The end of this class will close with a ceremony as well as a special surprise unveiled on that day! Learn more and join us here: